
Cafe in germany empty table. Selective focus.
Datei Nr.: 508074307 | Von yanadjan

Bild - AdobeStock #676624098 (Entrepreneurs Small Business SME Independent men work at home Use smartphones and laptops for commercial checking, online marketing, packing boxes, SME sellers, concept, e-commerce team, online sales) Von ARMMY PICCA

Bild - AdobeStock #728274034 (Startup small business owner female baker entrepreneur standing at the counter of bakery and coffee shop. SME entrepreneur seller business concept) Von chiew

Bild - AdobeStock #276662435 (Modern coffee machine on table in kitchen) Von Pixel-Shot

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Bild - AdobeStock #688503583 (close up on laptop port interface with blue an cable connected to transfer bandwidth and usage internet data to global network for internet technology ...) Von chinnarach

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